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Portable DIES system
  • DIES allows you to determine the technical condition of pumping, compressor, fan units, auxiliary and related equipment of turbines, drives of rolling mills, gearboxes, etc. during their regular operation.
Portable renewable energy system
  • The RES system is designed to measure vibrations along a pre-prepared route. A characteristic feature is that the measurement points are physically tied to the name of the unit, the number of the support and the direction of measurement, which allows the operator to easily navigate the sequence and locations of the survey.

All PromServis products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant PromServis: heat metering and regulation devices, automatic heat regulation systems, automated dispatching, monitoring, vibration diagnostics systems
  • Flow meters PromServis
    Flow meters
    Pramer 510, 52XX, 517, etc.
  • Heat meters PromServis
    Heat meters
    VEPS-Heat, TSK, LOGIC, etc.
  • Spectroanalysts PromServis
    MVP-2C, Agate-M, Topaz, etc.
  • Flow converters PromServis
    Flow converters
  • Monitoring systems PromServis
    Monitoring systems
    FLOW , etc .
  • Stationary systems PromServis
    Stationary systems
    SADKO et al .
  • Portable systems PromServis
    Portable systems
    DIES, RES, etc.
  • Automated systems PromServis
    Automated systems
    Sadko Vibro et al.
  • Block modules PromServis
    Block modules
    BMU, BMR, BMW, etc.
  • Thermal controllers  PromServis
    Thermal controllers
    PRAMER-710-2, PRAMER-710-1, etc.
  • Communication blocks PromServis
    Communication blocks
    BARS-02, etc.

About PromServis

Promservice company has been successfully producing ready-made effective solutions in the field of instrument metering, energy saving and vibration diagnostics since 1992.

    Development and production of metering devices, creation of parameter control systems, equipment diagnostics systems and management of production processes, energy consumption processes.

    The production of modern equipment and the creation of new technologies that provide consumers working in various fields with the maximum economic effect.

    The experience gained by the company in creating diagnostic systems for complex industrial equipment has allowed us to develop and successfully implement a wide range of intelligent monitoring, diagnostics and management systems.

Information Board PromServis

Learn more about our products PromServis.
  • Promservice price list на сайте ПромСервис
    Promservice price list
  • Questionnaire for the FLOW system завода ПромСервис
    Questionnaire for the FLOW system
  • Questionnaire for RES and DIES systems производства ПромСервис
    Questionnaire for RES and DIES systems
  • Questionnaire for the SADKO system изготовителя ПромСервис
    Questionnaire for the SADKO system


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